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Welcome to the call for abstracts of the 30th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH) in Hiroshima, Japan. The Scientific Committee especially welcomes the submission of abstracts related to the conference's main theme "The contribution of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services to health equity", as well as topics related to the Standards for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH) and HPH Task Forces (migration, equity and diversity, HPH and environment, age-friendly health care, children and adolescents, health promoting built environment, health literate health care organizations, HPH governance and policy).

The deadline for abstract submission is May 15, 2024, 18.00 CET.

Please follow the instructions below and make sure that all fields in the abstract form are completed according to the guidelines. If you have submitted an abstract to an international HPH conference before, please use your existing user account. Forgot your password? You can reset it here. If you don't have an account yet, create a new one here.

Note: Please be aware that submissions for self-organized-sessions (such as workshops, symposia, and round tables) must be sent via e-mail to conference-secretariathphconferencesorg. Use the provided word form, which includes comprehensive guidelines.


The following topics are available in a drop-down menu within the abstract submission form. When submitting your abstract, please select one or two relevant subtopics. This selection will assist the organizers in scheduling presentations effectively. Details regarding the format and structure of the abstract are also provided below.

Conference main theme

The contribution of health promoting hospitals and health services to health equity

  • The importanceof equity for health and the role of healthcare and innovation for equity
  • Strategies for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services to address equity in health, including organizational policies, staff engagement, and advocacy
  • Approaches for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services to improve health equity of their patients (social prescribing, health literacy, …)
  • Contributions of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services to support equal access to care, fostering health equity in communities
  • Contributions of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services to equity beyond the health field (national and international advocacy for HiAP, SDGs, …)
  • Outcome measurement and health equity

Topics related to HPH Standards and HPH Task Forces

Settings approach: health promoting hospitals and health services

  • Access to services and information
  • Improving care of people with multiple health problems and comorbidity (e.g.: NCDs, mental illness or disease, chronic conditions)
  • Patient and staff empowerment, reducing distress and improving wellbeing
  • Promoting healthy behavior of patients, staff and populations served
  • Salutogenic, safe and healthy workplace

Health literacy-oriented approach: empowering through effective organization of communication and information

  • Health-literate organizations – a systems approach
  • Informing on risks factors, self (and others) protection, and coping with COVID-19 confinement and preventive measures
  • Innovation in communicating health information

Equity-oriented approach: promoting health for vulnerable groups

  • Elderly
  • Children, and young people
  • Socially disadvantages groups: both actions to reduce the social gradient and high-risk interventions towards people living in poverty, migrants and refugees
  • People with disabilities (e.g. long Covid)

Population, societal and ecological approach: promoting multi-level interventions across society

  • Reducing inequity in health by providing universally available services proportionate to the degree of need
  • Integration of hospitals and primary care with community-based health and social services
  • Interventions for health promotion in the local community and for the population served
  • Intersectoral interventions to create health promoting living conditions
  • Promoting environmental health and sustainability

General guidelines and information

Submission guidelines for oral presentations and posters

  • Deadline for abstract submission is May 15, 2024, 23.59 CET.
  • To submit an abstract, you have to log in with your existing user account or create a new user account. Please note that this account is solely used for abstract submissions and does not imply conference registration.
  • All abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Abstracts are limited to a maximum of 2.000 characters (including spaces).
  • Abstracts may not contain tables, graphics or special characters. Abbreviations should be avoided and must be defined the first time mentioned.
  • Please check your data carefully before submitting!
  • The submitter will receive an email confirming the receipt of the submission.
  • If the proposal is accepted, the abstract will be published in the electronic abstract book.
  • Papers submitted for oral or mini oral presentation, if not suitable for the chosen categories, may be considered for mini oral or poster presentation.
  • Please note that a maximum of two abstracts will be accepted per presenting author.
  • Notifications of acceptance or rejection of an abstract will be sent to submitters at the beginning of June 2024.
  • All presenters of accepted abstracts have to register for the conference by mid of July, 2024. If they have not registered by that date, the abstract/session will be removed from the conference program and the abstract book.
  • All abstracts received until the announced submission deadline will be screened by the Scientific Committee.

Abstracts may be submitted in the following areas:

  • Practice
  • Research
  • Policy

Proposal types:

  • Oral presentation (presentation of 10-15 minutes)
  • Mini oral (pitch) presentation (presentation of 3-5 minutes)
  • Poster presentation

Abstracts (oral, mini oral, poster) must include the following sections:

  • Title
  • Background and objective
  • Methods/intervention
  • Results
  • Conclusions/lessons learned
  • Relevance to HPH
  • Relation to conference main theme
  • Relation to one of the HPH Task Forces

Submission guidelines for self-organized sessions (workshops, symposia, round tables)