Integrated health care services and discharge planning
Gapless Long-term Healthcare: Quick Response Home-Based Rehabilitation Service to Increase Physical Activity and Improve Function after Hospitalization
Seamless discharge planning service
Longterm effectiveness of discharge planning service
Promoting physical activity
Regional strategy to promote physical activity - using a combined top-down and bottom-up approach, from policy to action on grass root’ level using social media.
Adapted Physical Activity network in Reggio Emilia between 2011 and 2017: promoting healthy lifestyle for people dealing with chronic conditions
Empowering of patients, families and citizens in partnering with their associations for the implementation of physical activity promotion
Community-Based Fitness Training Program: Effects of a 12-week Intervention in Frail and Sub-healthy Elderly
Cross-sectional relationships between television viewing and physical fitness in older adults
Using Pedometer to Monitoring and Increasing Physical Activity among Overweight Children – The Taitung School Children Program
Tobacco free health services
A total non-smoking health care in Region Östergötland, Sweden
A breath of fresh air. Leading the way in the smokefree journey.
Trends in Smoking Prevalence and attitudes to a hospital campus smoking ban among hospital inpatients 2010-2016
Efficacy of a smoke-free workplace program for the promotion of smoking cessation among employees
Prevalence and Trends of Cigarette Smoking among Military Personnel in Taiwan -- Results of Ten-Year Anti-Smoking Health Promotion Programs in Military
Health literacy
Fire and Fury in an Internal Medicine Ward: how Health Literacy(HL) and Communication Skills can stamp out the Flames
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Right word. Right time: compelling health professionals to raise preventive health
The level of self-rated knowledge among the patients with early rheumatoid arthritis in Estonia: 2-years follow-up
An Italian therapeutic patients education program to support self-management in stroke survivors: feasibility and results
Text editing and provision of healthcare information according to Health Literacy (HL)
HPH Standards
The meaning and realization of equitable healthcare services in Finnish healthcare unit – the viewpoints of healthcare leaders, nurses and immigrant parents described using TF MFCCH equity standards. A study protocol.
The implementation of Healthy Hospital Accreditation in Taiwan
Developmant and Validation of Self-Assessment Tool for Health Promoting Hospitals in Iran based on WHO’s Tool
Health Promoting Hospital standards: Results of a study in Iran
Fast-track strategic implementation of clinical health promotion and examples of reporting using the RE-AIM Framework
Staff experiences with strategic implementation of clinical health promotion: A nested qualitative study
User participation and empowerment
Informed consent and empowerment
The relation between patient education, patient empowerment and patient satisfaction
Committee for community health promotion:Enhancing the development and application of community health literacy
Advocating for Roma Health Equity in at At-Risk Local Context
Opinions and attitudes of Patients' Autonomy Act among medical staff
Targeting chronic conditions
Creating a “culture of exercise” within the dialysis unit by implementation of intradialytic physical training as a standard of care
Therapeutic patients education program in addition to physical activity to engage onco-heamatological patients in managing cancer-related fatigue
Effectiveness of Vitamin D Supplementation in the Relief of Dysmenorrhea: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
The Research of the Pain Sources, Pain Intensity, Pain Management, and Other Factors of Critically Ill Patients
Meta-analysis of clinical trials evaluating optimal timing of postoperative showering for clean and clean-contaminated wounds
Mental health
Psychological Vulnerability in asylum seekers and refugees: a network answer in Reggio Emilia
Assessing e-mental health use and needs among students at European universities.
Risk of Suicidality in People with Psoriasis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies
Training the facilitators of the BHC-5L for suicide prevention in four counties with higher suicide rates in Taiwan
Late life depression and poetry recitation: the He.s.i.o.d. study (Hexameter Study In Older Depressed)
Using ISBAR to Construct Critical Evaluation of Emergency Triage to Improve Either the Efficiency of Emergency Physicians Communication or Efficiency of Triage by nurses
SYMPOSIUM: Guidance for Health Promotion in Primary Health Care
Symposium: Guidance for Health Promotion in Primary Health Care
Importance of Primary Health Care for health promotion and disease prevention
What kind of HP strategies and interventions work in PHC?
Delivering disease prevention and health promotion in primary health care
Between EBM and organizational structures: is there room in the black box to support prevention in primary care?
First steps of a reform process in a social security system - The case of Austria
WORKSHOP on People-centered Age-friendly Health Services
Workshop on People-centered Age-friendly Health Services