Tobacco free standards achieving change in healthcare services: Sharing evidence-based policies and practices
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A preconference on tobacco management within healthcare services is presented by the Global Network of Tobacco Free Healthcare Services (GNTH) in collaboration with Emilia-Romagna HPH Network. The preconference encompasses to exciting sessions. The morning session hosts the GOLD Forum Event of the Global Network. This is where healthcare services that have been peer-reviewed and national validated as having achieved high-level implementation of the 8 Global Standards come to share their experiences and good practice on implementing quality tobacco management with healthcare services. The second session in the afternoon is a collaborative workshop with the Emilia-Romagna HPH Network entitled, Connecting national strategies with evidence-based practice. Keynote speaker is the eminent author of the transtheoretical model of change Dr. Carlo DiClemente, professor of psychology at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Dr. DiClemente who will speak about connecting theory and practice in relation to addictive behaviours and tobacco cessation. For full details – see programme.