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Plenary 1: Health-orientation of health services by management systems – what and why?
Plenary 2: Health-orientation of health care services by management systems – how? – Models and standards of good practices
Health promotion responses to the COVID-19 pandemic
Relationship between water intake and quality of life in the elderly during COVID-19
Stress of caring for COVID-19 patients among clinical nurses
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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Emergency Department Visits
Infection Prevention Measures of Health Examination Department in Coping with COVID-19 Epidemic
The nurses' willingness and needs to participate in care of COVID‐19 patients in Taiwan
The exploration of the resilience among new nurses at the first three months
Mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID19 pandemic
Governance models, culture, policy and leadership for HPH
Health promotion and environmental health acculturation in Gustave Roussy, a European cancer center
Writing and implementing the HPH worklines: the setting based approach in practice
Development of Nutrition Standards for Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Organizations in Finland
Incentives for doing health-promoting health care in hospitals and other health care settings: first concept note
Healthy workplace II
Health Orientated Physical Handling in Nursing Care
Fatigue and pain among nurses caused by physical handling with a patient
Effectiveness of workplace health promotion in hospitals and care homes: a systematic review
Paradoxes and dangers of workplace health management in Hospitals
Monitoring, implementation and evaluation
Use of a SWOT risk analysis to optimize the process of drug administration by nurses
An Evaluation and Monitoring Scheme for Gender Sensitivity: A Proposal for Healthcare Settings
Highlighting professional judgement in evalution of public health work
The use of NHI-PharmaCloud in monitoring the medication of psychiatric patients and improve patient safety of combined medication in a Regional Hospital in North
The effectiveness of Using Hydrofiber for Skin Graft Fixation
Health literate health care organizations
Building the E-health campus to strengthen health literacy and increase hospital brand image in Kaohsiung
The No Straw Campaign with Health Literacy Approaches in Healthcare Setting
Promoting health literate primary care units through certification – a pilot study from Austria
Self-Assessment Tool to Promote Organizational Health Literacy in Primary Care Settings in Switzerland