Past achievements and future challenges for HPH
Resilience of the HPH network during the reform
The action plan to implement the strategic lines of the HPH in the Catalan Healthcare organizations
The development of the Swedish HPH network 1996 – 2016: From single hospitals to all health services and from projects to systematic learning.
Health Promoting Hospitals in Iran : A review of research and experience in one decade
1-year implementation model improves standard compliance in clinical health promotion
Sustainable health care
"EcoBuy Vienna" procures good indoor air quality
Promoting sustainable health care through health humanities and organizational health
Improving the Quality of Health Care In one Specialized Public Hospital in Shanghai
Smoke-free health care
The difficulties and solutions of adaptation new ENSH-Global Self-Audit Tool in Taiwanese tobacco-free hospitals
How to promote Smoke-free Hospital with the concept of Ecosystem : A Taiwan’s Experience
Education and Training Program in Tobacco Cessation Counseling and Treatment - Example for a good Model ENSH - Global Member Cooperation Austria & Switzerland
Health professional and consumer perceptions of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation
Clinical setting based smoking cessation program and the quality of life in people living with HIV
The Gold Standard Program for Smoking Cessation: Effectiveness in smokers with and without mental disorders
Health promoting workplace
The 'Everest Challenge': An intervention program to promote stairs climbing in a hospital setting
Promoting health organization and safety: The instrument and the role of the briefing in a multi-disciplinary internal medicine ward
The Diagnostic Pathology in Slovakia
Promoting health in the community
Caring the Community Residents through Traditional Chinese Medicine, Experiences of a Rural Area in Southern Taiwan
Application of multi-sectoral action for non-communicable diseases prevention policy formulation in Nigeria
Extent of adoption of the WHO Best buys intervention for non-communicable diseases prevention policy formulation in Nigeria
Facilitating happiness and preventing suicide by a longitudinal community-based project
Child and family engagement
Authentic Partnership and Engagement of Patients and Families through the Family Advisory Network (FAN) at SickKids
Early Childhood Intervention Networks in Austria – Strategy, Implementation and first results of evaluation
The Build-up of a Safe Fort for our Children, To Explore the Safety Protection of Children’s Resident Environment
Seven Things This Year Initiative - A Family Empowerment Initiative
Parental influence on infant appreciation of clown humour
Suicide Prevention for children and adolescents: Talk to me! A New Initiative of the National Suicide Prevention Program, Germany
Mental health and psychiatric care
Thinking it Through: Mental health and wellbeing within a health service
A Study Investigating the Relationship between Nursing Personnel’s Support and Their Job Satisfaction and Intention to Stay.
People with Epilepsy and Irish Mental Health Care Provision
The efficacy of web-based electronic alerting system of emotional distress in the acute wards of cancer center.
Experience of Conducting the Multidisciplinary Smoking Cessation Course in Psychiatric Day-care Ward
Health literacy and communication
A national strategy for improving healthcare communication in Austria
Simplifying the language and revising information materials using Health Literacy techniques
The Evaluation of Patients' Opinion on Confidenciality in Hospitals
Can the Implementing Inter-Professional Shared Decision Making Model in General Hospital Create a More Satisfied Environment for Medical Care Professionals?
To improve health literacy among elderly in community
An Evidence-Based Framework for Sustainable Patient and Family Engaged Care
Gesundheitskompetenz und Gesundheitskommunikation für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten und Mehrfachbehinderungen im Krankenhaus