Supportive practice
The relationship between herb usage and elders’ wellbeing in indigenous communities
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Hospital’s Pastoral Care Service: Promotion of “High Touch”
Psychosocial support for elderly people through the Art of Healthcare Clowning
Using Current Medical System To Practice Spiritual Care- Take The Intensive Care Unit as An Example
Health equitiy & access to health care
Development of Interview Items for Screening of Patients who Forgo Medical Care Due to Economic Reasons
Preliminary Study Research on the Health Literacy of Middle-Aged and Seniors in Xindian, District in Taiwan.
Evaluating equity in healthcare: pilot test of a self-assessment tool in sixteen countries
Virtual Family Center
Health promotion and rehabilitation
The Effect of Early Screening of Foot Lesions in Hemodialysis Patients
The effect of pulmonary rehabilitation program on ventilator weaning in critically ill patients.
Enhancement quality of life of frail elderly through weaning nasogastric tube by active interdisciplinary professionals' intervention
Objectively measured mobilisation is enhanced by new motivational technique in patients undergoing abdominal cancer surgery
Effectiveness of Respiratory Care Program in Reducing Unplanned Readmission to an intensive care unit
Factors Influencing Successful Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation
Health at the workplace
Compare the results of 72-hour replacement of peripheral intravenous catheters and 96-hour replacement on the incidence of phlebitis in patients.
Impact of Nursing Staff Turnover on Quality of Inpatient Care
A Pilot Study of Nursing Shift Report information System in one of Taiwan’s Regional Teaching Hospital
Health inequality between physicians and nurses on physical activity – role of profession vs. gender
Adolescent-friendly health care
I-Smile Clowning, cooperation in the daily medical treatment routine
Development of National Standards for Quality of Adolescent-Friendly Health Care Service in Taiwan.
The Well Being Coordination Model [WBC]: stakeholders alliances for the empowerment and resilience in young people
A 10-years follow-up study of a counselling programme for parents of children with disabilities
Predictive analytics and big data in the case of children and youth
WORKSHOP on climate change and health - the role of health care professionals
Climate Change and Health- the Role of Health Care Professionals
WORKSHOP: First coffee, then care - The Buurtzorg model
First coffee, then care
SYMPOSIUM: Research put into practice – do we get the expected results?
Come & Quit: A new flexible intensive smoking cessation intervention programme
Smoking cessation in depressive smokers